Creative Journey Log: Day 2

Brainstormed a bunch of ideas for a little short we’re tryna shoot tomorrow after doing some ADR for another short film.

Had to squeeze in the time to write whilst walking in the freezing cold to BFI Southbank (it’s literally my second home lmao), voice typing is a godsend for writing fast when your fingers are frozen stiff.

Did some rewrites on one of my next short scripts after speaking with a friend about it yesterday.

Main thing that was lacking in the first draft was the lack of emphasis on a key moment in the short. On paper it really didn’t stand out as the important moment I wanted it to be, because I glossed over it.

I clocked that although I might have a clear idea of what I want in my head, even though I’m directing, it’s my job as a writer to clearly communicate those thoughts through the script.