Writing music video concepts, and sharing ideas too early

Travelled out to get some headshots taken today, because my current headshots on my Spotlight is just some janky ass photos that my little brother took of me on my DSLR in the garden – I really needed to get some professional ones done. I had some had a fair amount of down time on… Continue reading Writing music video concepts, and sharing ideas too early

Creative Journey Log: Day 7

Was hella distracted writing today, I wasn’t focused, and wasn’t getting a lot of deep work done. All my work felt very surface-level, and shallow.  Lately, when I’ve tried to write in the morning I’ve been hella distracted and slow as fuck in starting, then I’ll compensate by eating into the time I set aside… Continue reading Creative Journey Log: Day 7

Creative Journal Log: Day 5

I’m constantly trying to find a balance between consumption and creation as an artist. Everyone’s always chatting about how you need to study the greats, and I agree you should, but a lot of times I’m usually more interested in writing and just expressing myself. I love watching films, but I feel like I have… Continue reading Creative Journal Log: Day 5

Creative Journey Log: Day 4

Writing about fried chicken made me think about death and my own mortality today. Nice and cheerful, right? Don’t think it’s a bad thing though. At the moment, the short is about food addiction: instant vs delayed gratification (presentable logline pending). I fleshed out more of the dialogue, the narrative beats of the film, and the… Continue reading Creative Journey Log: Day 4

Creative Journey Log: Day 1

Recently read and got really inspired by Austin Kleon’s amazing book Show Your Work, and decided to start documenting my daily creative process on this blog, and also my Instagram. I hope that you can learn something from following along the journey – I’ll probably make some dumbass mistakes so you don’t have to hahaha.… Continue reading Creative Journey Log: Day 1