3 Things I Learned From Freestyle Rapping That Made Me Better at Conversation

You ever been in a conversation and you just blank and run out of things to talk about? You can usually feel the awkward silence coming on too – 3, 2, 1 anddddd awkward silence… I used to be very socially awkward in the past. A lot of my conversations were boring, super logistical and… Continue reading 3 Things I Learned From Freestyle Rapping That Made Me Better at Conversation

Fundamentals of Screenwriting Cheat Sheet

This is a cheat sheet distilling Tyler Mowery’s great video series on the Fundamentals of Screenwriting to an easy-to-read summary, tl;dr format. You can watch the series below: I made this summary so when you’re writing you can easily pull up parts that you need quickly, to minimise interruption of your flow state. Although Tyler… Continue reading Fundamentals of Screenwriting Cheat Sheet

Prioritisation, goal setting and time pressure, value of time

This week has been so fucking long, but it’s been a fun week. I’ve slept like shit this week, and just been playing catch up the whole time. Frankly I’m really fucking exhausted lol. But it’s been a pretty good week. Whenever I’m super sleep deprived I try to look at the positive side, because… Continue reading Prioritisation, goal setting and time pressure, value of time

Morning pages, dealing with inefficiency, and Swan Song

Didn’t have a great deal of time to write today, but I squeezed in what I could. Trying to get out of the mindset of “I don’t have enough time!”. I’m trying to think of it as a challenge for my efficiency in working, as opposed to a problem that I’m a victim of.  Morning… Continue reading Morning pages, dealing with inefficiency, and Swan Song

Why listening to Mach-Hommy has made me a better creative

Running on fumeeeeeessssss, another 3 hour sleep, my brain is vegging out, at times writing the screenplay just felt like smacking my head against a brick wall. My brain capacity was not where it needed to be, so I stuck on some music to give my brain some stimulation/inspiration. This new Mach-Hommy album dropped the… Continue reading Why listening to Mach-Hommy has made me a better creative

This film about a butterfly blew my mind

Wow okay, that title sounds clickbait as fuck lol, but honestly, this film blew my mind – I’ll detail why in a bit. Silence Has No Wings is one of my favourite films that I’ve seen this year. These past few months I’ve basically been living at the BFI Southbank, because it’s the Japanese film… Continue reading This film about a butterfly blew my mind

Mark Weinman acting masterclass, and short film shoot

I spent my Saturday morning at an acting masterclass hosted by Mark Weinman. The session was about getting out of your head as an actor. Not only was it super fun, I found it really useful, not just for as an actor, but also more widely as a creative.  Acting masterclass key takeaway In the… Continue reading Mark Weinman acting masterclass, and short film shoot

Rough idea for anxiety inducing short film

Planning to shoot a short film on Saturday 4th, and I spent a fair amount of time today hashing out ideas. On recommendation from my mentor Louis Bhose, I watched this incredible master class from Paul Schrader (wrote Taxi Driver, Raging Bull). Haven’t finished it yet, but holy fuck, literally the first 20 minutes has… Continue reading Rough idea for anxiety inducing short film