Creative Journal Log: Day 5

I’m constantly trying to find a balance between consumption and creation as an artist. Everyone’s always chatting about how you need to study the greats, and I agree you should, but a lot of times I’m usually more interested in writing and just expressing myself. I love watching films, but I feel like I have… Continue reading Creative Journal Log: Day 5

Creative Journey Log: Day 4

Writing about fried chicken made me think about death and my own mortality today. Nice and cheerful, right? Don’t think it’s a bad thing though. At the moment, the short is about food addiction: instant vs delayed gratification (presentable logline pending). I fleshed out more of the dialogue, the narrative beats of the film, and the… Continue reading Creative Journey Log: Day 4

Creative Journey Log: Day 1

Recently read and got really inspired by Austin Kleon’s amazing book Show Your Work, and decided to start documenting my daily creative process on this blog, and also my Instagram. I hope that you can learn something from following along the journey – I’ll probably make some dumbass mistakes so you don’t have to hahaha.… Continue reading Creative Journey Log: Day 1