Morning pages, dealing with inefficiency, and Swan Song

Didn’t have a great deal of time to write today, but I squeezed in what I could. Trying to get out of the mindset of “I don’t have enough time!”. I’m trying to think of it as a challenge for my efficiency in working, as opposed to a problem that I’m a victim of. 

Morning pages brain dump

Right now I’m trying to brainstorm one last lil short film idea to do in London before I head back home to Manny for xmas.

I tried out doing some morning pages today on my walk into uni, where I was just speaking out loud using the voice-to-text on my phone, trying to keep the words flowing for a couple minutes.

Morning pages are basically just a form of brain dumping, here’s a video explaining it in a bit more detail.

They’re super useful if you’re feeling writer’s block or just mentally clogged up.

By lowering the bar, and by allowing yourself to literally write trash, it takes the pressure off you to write something sick, often encouraging creativity.

Most of it was gibberish or random thought, it’s like the rusty tap, after a while of complete garbage, I did start finding some little idea nuggets I could work with.


Dealing with inefficiency in writing

After seeing how much I could get done in such a short amount of time, I’m gonna try putting myself under a lot more time pressure on days where I have more time to write, because I know I have hella inefficiency right now.

Say I’m writing for 1.5 hours on a normal day, from that 1.5 hours I block out to write – I don’t get 1.5 hours worth of work output. I might get 30 minutes worth if I get distracted, or an hour’s worth.

The amount of work input is NOT the same of work output you get.

I’m tryna minimising the unproductive, distracted work time, and to maximise the flow state of focus.

I’ll try out using a huge ass timer on my laptop, when I can see the time ticking down I’m more inclined to work faster than if it’s out of sight.

Swan Song is a banger

Also watched this film Swan Song, and oh my fucking god, I haven’t cried watching a film so much in a long time. 

“When a loving husband and father is diagnosed with a terminal illness, he is presented with a controversial alternative solution to replace himself with a carbon copy clone.”

cuz we all ticking time bombs

me thoughts

There’s a really beautiful and human story at the core of this wonderfully dense and unique concept. 

Just the ethics behind the concept are so interesting in themselves, presenting a philosophical problem of what’s better: the beautiful lie, or the painful truth? 

Mahershala Ali’s performance was incredible, absolutely destroyed me in the scene with his son towards the end. 

Hearing the pitched up vocals of Frank Ocean in a flashback sequence brought a tear to my eye, but when the credits rolled and the song came on again, it absolutely destroyed me man.

Had tears streaming down my face in the dark of the cinema, as I sat there to process everything I just watched.

me after the film

Definitely check this film out when it drops later this month!

If you want to see what other films I’m watching, check out my Letterboxd here!