Prioritisation, goal setting and time pressure, value of time

This week has been so fucking long, but it’s been a fun week. I’ve slept like shit this week, and just been playing catch up the whole time. Frankly I’m really fucking exhausted lol. But it’s been a pretty good week. Whenever I’m super sleep deprived I try to look at the positive side, because… Continue reading Prioritisation, goal setting and time pressure, value of time

Morning pages, dealing with inefficiency, and Swan Song

Didn’t have a great deal of time to write today, but I squeezed in what I could. Trying to get out of the mindset of “I don’t have enough time!”. I’m trying to think of it as a challenge for my efficiency in working, as opposed to a problem that I’m a victim of.  Morning… Continue reading Morning pages, dealing with inefficiency, and Swan Song

Creative Journey Log: Day 7

Was hella distracted writing today, I wasn’t focused, and wasn’t getting a lot of deep work done. All my work felt very surface-level, and shallow.  Lately, when I’ve tried to write in the morning I’ve been hella distracted and slow as fuck in starting, then I’ll compensate by eating into the time I set aside… Continue reading Creative Journey Log: Day 7