Why being unproductive is fine

Today was another shit day for me in terms of writing. And that’s fine. I was unproductive and inefficient in working, but I guess the important thing is that I showed up.

It wasn’t writer’s block, it was just more me just being distracted – I have a million ideas I wanna work on at once. It’s just finding the focus and the brain power to stay the course on one idea.

what’s done is done, no point crying over spilt milk

It is frustrating, and I would have probably felt a lot better about myself if I have got a substantial amount of writing done, but who cares, what’s done is done.

Even though I was really distracted in my writing, I had fun today doing other stuff – meeting with friends, training, watching the new Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (FUCKING FINALLY). 

do yourself a favour and watch this anime

We’re just human

Shit writing days, unproductivity, and distraction are all just a part of the process. Everyone’s brain isn’t a machine, we all have ups and downs, we’re not robots that can churn out x amount of words/pages per day no questions asked (maybe some of you are but I’m definitely not lol). 

I think the fact that just a couple of days ago I had a really great focused day of writing, and today I’m struggling to write and stay focused highlights the fact the we’re just human beings man.

Why being unproductive is fine

Unproductivity is fine, because you can’t change the amount of work you’ve done today by feeling terrible about it. I think that all you can do, is just accept it, take it as a lesson moving forward, and try not to repeat the same mistakes.

What’s done is done, we can only get better from here. Or even if we get worse, by comparison, then today wasn’t so bad lol.